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NASA Voyager One gold diagram sent into space by humans hoping to contact ETs.
      Interview of CEO George Bugh by Gitika Gorthi

March, 2021

Please see the interview of Vasant Corporation CEO, George J Bugh by: Gitika Gorthi, Founder and CEO of

Interview of George J Bugh by Gitika Gorthi in March 2021
Interview of George J Bugh
by Gitika Gorthi in March 2021

UPDATE 04/25/2021: Regarding the part of the interview where Mr. Bugh relates when his parents and a nephew saw UFOs at the land owned by the Department of the Navy, the same land that years later became a SpaceX facility; to clarify, the Bugh's did live outside of Austin, Texas and this is where George Bugh grew up. However, between 1986 and 1987, his parents sold the Austin estate and moved to a larger ranch near McGregor, Texas.

Interview of George J Bugh by Gitika Gorthi in March 2021

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