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      Spin Wave Technology Book

Spin Wave Technology, Book Cover

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About this Book:


Spin Wave Technology Initial Release




December, 2002


George J. Bugh

Text Editing:

Lauren Stevens

Graphic Editing:

Stephan D. Schmidt


Perfect Bound Paperback




6" x 9" X .625"

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This is the paperback version of the original multimedia CD introducing Spin Wave Technology. It has many minor updates and corrections. References to scientific research support information on the internet has been updated to remove dead links and add new links. In addition, this book contains 4 more preliminary chapters introducing magnetic levitation designs that utilize spin wave technology. This paperback version includes a table of contents, footnotes, bibliography and an index.

Spin Wave Technology is a book of research papers written by a senior staff aerospace defense electronics engineer, George J Bugh, while investigating claims by many inventors and researchers who have built unusual electromagnetic devices said to produce anomalous energy output and even electrogravity effects. Mr. Bugh has 22 years experience with a major aerospace defense contractor and previous military experience as well. He spent 7 years studying these claims to determine if any could be valid and if so then to determine the source of the anomalous energy and the electrogravity effects.

Mr. Bugh concludes that a few devices could generate economically free energy. The study also concludes there is a possible link between gravity and electromagnetism that can be exploited to generate antigravity or electrogravity effects. This publication is easiest to understand by people with a background in physics and electromagnetism. However, it has been most popular among many hobbyists, private researchers, and students. In 2003, corporate and military scientists started taking more interest.

The book consists of 44 chapters of research papers, discussions with others around the world via newsgroups and a transcript of a video lecture that is on the multimedia CD version of this publication. The research papers are about various subjects related to understanding how these unusual electromagnetic devices could really work.

Product Details and Information:

Independent Reviews of the Publication:

From Gail Marsella with, Tuesday, June 24, 2003

"Update 7/2003: Had a nice conversation with Bugh (via email) - may not be so fringe after all..."


"... Colin wrote:

But I would recommend George Bugh's book, Spin Wave Technology', as another important tool in our information arsenal. He has the best explanation I have seen on how to create a gravity wave laser (magnon laser) from spin flipping and/or spin precessions. It's also the best analysis you'll ever see on Sparky Sweet's VTA. The VTA according to Rosenthal and Bearden exhibited antigravity, free electricity and simultaneously lost thermal energy. GB treats it as a magnon laser."

Review from the June-July, 2003 issue of Nexus Magazine:

" .... What he's saying should be relevant to anyone who's wondering where their quantum physics grappling is leading them or who's trying to deglitch their latest free energy or antigravity device.

Bugh explains that all sorts of technologies can be created based on these particle spin interactions, which is every encouragement for further research and development."

Review from long time energy researcher Ret. Lt. Col. Tom Bearden:

" ... Mr. Bugh's insight is remarkable, because it is insight into some very advanced physics not usually drawn together. It is also in areas that are still recognized as some of the toughest problems in physics. So Bugh's work shows him to be an electrical engineer with remarkable native intuition and insight --- far more than one will see in the usual electrical engineer. .... There are two ways of thinking: (1) IN the model, and (2) OUTSIDE the model, where the "model" is the proverbial "box" everyone uses in the buzz words, "thinking outside the box". Too many of our engineers and scientists simply accept the model (box) taught to them as being perfect, and then never question things deeply again. In Bugh's case, he is not in that category (1), but is definitely in category (2). ..."

An independent review of the earlier CD version by Judy Justice for the Midwest Book Review is at: The mention of ESP is the reviewer's suggestion and not a topic discussed in the publication.

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P O Box 151754
Fort Worth, Texas, 76108

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Spin Wave Technology Book

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